Here we report and annotate the DNA sequence of the full genome o

Here we report and annotate the DNA sequence of the full genome of MAdV-2. It was found to consist of 35,203 bp thus being considerably larger than the genomes of the other two MAdV types. The increased size of the MAdV-2 genome is generally due to larger genes and

ORFs, although some differences in the number of ORFs were observed for the early regions El, E3 and E4. The homologue of the 19K gene of El B from MAdV-2 codes for 330 amino acids (aa) and is almost twice as large as from other mastadenoviruses. Accordingly, only the N-terminal half (155 aa) has homology to the 19K protein. A homologue of the gene of the 12.5K protein was selleck kinase inhibitor identified in the E3 region of MAdV-2, but not in MAdV-1 or MAdV-3. The other gene of yet unknown function in the E3 region of MAdV-2 seems to be unique. The E4 region of MAdV-2 contains three ORFs. One has similarity to the 34K gene of other AdVs. Two unique ORFs in the E4 region of MAdV-2 have no homology to any of the five and six ORFs in the E4 region of MAdV-1 or MAdV-3, respectively. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the three murine AdVs have a close common ancestor. They likely formed

the first branching of the lineage of mastadenoviruses, and seem to be the most ancient representatives of this genus. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Breast cancer is common malignancy check details in Thai female. Although there are well established risk factors, many environmental agents with an impact are still unknown especially with reference to occupation. The objective of this study was to investigate the risk of female breast cancer among different occupational categories in Thailand. A frequency-matched case-control study was conducted among Thai women aged 17-79. A total of 516 pairs of cases and controls were recruited at the Thai National Cancer

Institute, Khon Kaen University Hospital and Khon Kaen Provincial Hospital during 2002-2004. Cases were newly diagnosed with histological confirmed breast cancers while controls Evofosfamide cell line were selected from healthy women matched by age (+/- 5 years) and geographical area. After informed consent was signed, information was obtained on occupation and other risk factors from each subject using an interviewer-administered and structured questionnaire. The International Standard Classification of Occupations version 1968 (ISCO-68) was used to code for occupational categories. The relation between occupational categories and breast cancer risk was evaluated by unconditional logistic regression analysis. The mean age of cases and controls were 46.9 +/- 10.6 and 47.8 +/- 9.9 years, respectively. Fifty-five percent of cases were pre-menopausal women. After adjusting for confounding factors by multiple logistic regression analysis, the results showed that occupational category as production and related workers, transport equipment operators and labourers was associated with an increased risk of breast cancer (OR=1.41 95% CI=1.01-1.

Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons,

Ltd “

Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons,

“Background: Medication nonadherence is a common problem among the elderly.\n\nObjective: To conduct a systematic review of the published literature describing potential nonfinancial barriers to medication adherence among the elderly.\n\nMethods: The PubMed and PsychINFO databases were searched for articles published in English between January 1998 and January 2010 that (1) described “predictors,” “facilitators,” or “determinants” of medication adherence or that (2) examined the “relationship” between a specific barrier and adherence for elderly patients (ie, years of age) in the United States. A manual search of the reference lists of identified articles and the authors’ files and recent review articles was conducted. The search included articles that (1) reviewed specific barriers to AG-014699 supplier medication adherence and did not solely describe nonmodifiable predictors of adherence (eg, demographics, marital status), (2) were not interventions designed to address adherence, (3) defined adherence or compliance and specified its method of measurement, and (4) involved US participants only. Nonsystematic

reviews were excluded, as were studies that focused specifically on people who were homeless or substance abusers, or patients with psychotic disorders, tuberculosis, or HIV infection, because of the unique circumstances that surround medication adherence for each of these populations.\n\nResults: Nine studies met inclusion criteria for this review. Four studies used pharmacy BMN 673 cell line records or claims data to assess adherence, 2 studies used pill count or electronic monitoring, and 3 studies used other methods to assess adherence. Substantial heterogeneity existed among the populations studied as well as among the measures of adherence, barriers addressed, and significant findings. Some potential barriers (ie, factors associated with nonadherence) were identified from the studies, including patient-related factors such as disease-related knowledge, health literacy, and cognitive function; drug-related factors such as adverse effects and polypharmacy; ASK inhibitor and other factors including the patient-provider relationship and various logistical barriers

to obtaining medications. None of the reviewed studies examined primary nonadherence or nonpersistence.\n\nConclusion: Medication nonadherence in the elderly is not well described in the literature, despite being a major cause of morbidity, and thus it is difficult to draw a systematic conclusion on potential barriers based on the current literature. Future research should focus on standardizing medication adherence measurements among the elderly to gain a better understanding of this important issue. (Am J Geriatr Pharmacother. 2011;9:11-23) Published by Elsevier HS Journals, Inc.”
“Sixteen new coral reef cores were collected to better understand the accretion history and composition of submerged relict reefs offshore of continental southeast (SE) Florida.

However, we do not know to what extent their development depends

However, we do not know to what extent their development depends on the specific milieu. In this study, we transplanted mouse PGCs collected from male and female gonads at 12.5 days postcoitum, together with gonadal somatic cells, under kidney capsules of adult mice. The transplanted PGC and gonadal somatic cells constructed testis-like and ovary-like tissues, respectively, under the kidney capsules within 4 wk. Normal-appearing KU-57788 round spermatids and fully grown germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes developed

within these tissues. Ectopic spermatogenesis continued thereafter, while oogenesis consisted of only a single wave. The injection of these round spermatids directly into mature in vivo-derived oocytes led to the birth at term of normal pups. PGC-derived GV oocytes were isolated, induced to mature in vitro, and injected with normal spermatozoa. The injected oocytes were successfully fertilized and developed into normal pups. Our findings demonstrate the remarkable flexibility of PGC development, which can proceed up to the functional gamete stage under spatially Pinometostat molecular weight and temporally noninnate

conditions. This transplantation system may provide a unique technical basis for induction of the development of early germ cells of exogenous origins, such as those from embryonic stem cells.”
“The human neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y is a potentially useful model for the identification and LB-100 nmr characterisation of Na-v modulators, but little is known about the pharmacology of their endogenously expressed Na(v)s. The aim of this study was to determine the expression of endogenous Na-v alpha and beta subunits in SH-SY5Y cells using PCR and immunohistochemical approaches, and pharmacologically characterise the Na-v isoforms endogenously expressed in this cell line using electrophysiological and fluorescence approaches. SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells were found to endogenously express several Na-v isoforms including Na(v)1.2

and Na(v)1.7. Activation of endogenously expressed Na(v)s with veratridine or the scorpion toxin 001 caused membrane depolarisation and subsequent Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated L- and N-type calcium channels, allowing Na-v activation to be detected with membrane potential and fluorescent Ca-2 dyes. mu-Conotoxin TIIIA and ProTxII identified Na(v)1.2 and Na(v)1.7 as the major contributors of this response. The Na(v)1.7-selective scorpion toxin OD1 in combination with veratridine produced a Na(v)1.7-selective response, confirming that endogenously expressed human Na(v)1.7 in SH-SY5Y cells is functional and can be synergistically activated, providing a new assay format for ligand screening. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Coronary angiography and angioplasty

may be required to r

Coronary angiography and angioplasty

may be required to restore an effective circulation, but this must be performed whilst chest compressions are continued. The LUCAS chest compression device is suitable for this purpose. So far there are no reports on the effect of this device on coronary circulation in humans. We monitored the coronary perfusion pressure assessed invasively as the difference between the diastolic pressures at the coronary ostium and right atrium, and compared these pressures with coronary flow graded using the TIMI scale in 6 patients. In 4 out of 6 we found a satisfactory coronary artery perfusion pressure and TIMI grade 3 flow (normal) on coronary angiography. Two of these patients survived SBE-β-CD cost the first 24 h. Two patients did not have a satisfactory perfusion pressure and adequate flow rate

was not seen. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Arterioportal fistulas are rare. Superior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula is uncommon and usually observed in patients who have abdominal trauma or have undergone abdominal surgery. If untreated, mesenteric arteriovenous fistula is potentially fatal due to portal hypertension LBH589 manufacturer with potential complications such as massive variceal bleeding or progressive liver failure. We report a 50-year-old Chinese man who had a history of abdominal surgery and presented with recurrent haematemesis. He was diagnosed by multidetector computed tomography to have a superior mesenteric arteriovenous fistula. Subsequently, he presented with acute bleeding oesophageal varices. Emergency transarterial embolisation was successfully performed to arrest the bleeding.”
“Background: This review focuses on looking at recent developments in the non-invasive imaging of skin, in particular at how such imaging may be used at present or in the future to detect cutaneous melanoma.\n\nMethods: A MEDLINE search was performed for papers using imaging techniques

to evaluate cutaneous melanoma, including melanoma metastasis.\n\nResults: Nine different techniques were found: dermoscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy (including multiphoton microscopy), optical coherence tomography, high frequency ultrasound, positron emission tomography, see more magnetic resonance imaging, and Fourier, Raman, and photoacoustic spectroscopies. This review contrasts the effectiveness of these techniques when seeking to image melanomas in skin.\n\nConclusions: Despite the variety of techniques available for detecting melanoma, there remains a critical need for a high-resolution technique to answer the question of whether tumours have invaded through the basement membrane.”
“Background Cigarette smoke induced airway inflammation plays a role in pathogenesis of airway inflammation. Resolvin-D1 derived from omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is an endogenous anti-inflammatory and proresolving lipid mediator.

Alternative management strategies that have been adopted in many

Alternative management strategies that have been adopted in many high-income settings are to offer immediate colposcopy

referral or to utilise human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing as a triage for colposcopy referral, and to consider different strategies according to women’s age. The objective of our study was to evaluate the lifetime cost effectiveness in terms of cost per years of life saved (YLS) of these alternative strategies for a middle income setting. A Markov model was developed using data from the Ludwig-McGill cohort and calibrated to independent observational datasets and local cost estimates obtained. In the BTSA1 chemical structure base-case analysis, repeat cytology was the least costly strategy but also the least effective.

Based on the WHO threshold for very cost-effective interventions, HPV triage for women above 30 years-old was the strategy with the highest probability of being cost effective. HPV triage including younger women with ASCUS results would also be a cost-effective option. Whilst there was a slight further gain in effectiveness with immediate colposcopy referral, it was also more expensive and did not appear to be cost effective. Threshold analysis indicated that an HPV test would have to be more than twice as expensive as a cytology test for HPV triage to no longer be cost effective. In conclusion, our results indicate that in MX69 order middle income settings HPV triage is likely

to be the Pevonedistat price optimal strategy for managing women presenting with ASC-US results.”
“BACKGROUND: Whether preoperative risk prediction improves with the use of more patient- and procedure-targeted models is unclear. We created a customized preoperative mortality risk prediction score for patients 80 years or older needing an emergency colectomy and compare it with existing, more generic risk assessment methods.\n\nSTUDY DESIGN: A targeted mortality prediction model was created using 2007 to 2008 American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS NSQIP) data and was validated using 2005 to 2006 data. We constructed a scoring system from the significant predictors identified. The model fit of our targeted score was compared with the American Society of Anesthesiologist’s (ASA) score, the Surgical Risk Scale, and the ACS Colorectal Surgery Risk Calculator.\n\nRESULTS: Analyses identified 1,358 and 372 emergency colectomies in the training and validation samples, respectively. Our targeted risk prediction score had a goodness-of-fit p value greater than 0.05 (indicating a good fit) and a c-statistic of 0.77, which represents a significantly better fit compared with the ASA score, the Surgical Risk Scale, and the ACS Colorectal Surgery Risk Calculator c-statistics (0.66, 0.66, and 0.71, respectively).

“Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a class III histone/protein deacetyl

“Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) is a class III histone/protein deacetylase, and its activation status has been well documented to have physiologic benefits in human health. However, the function of SIRT1 in cancer remains controversial. Here, the expression and

role of SIRT1 in gastric cancer is delineated. SIRT1 was present in all normal gastric mucosa specimens; however, it was only present in a portion of the matched gastric Crenolanib cancer tumor specimens. In SIRT1-positive tumors, both mRNA and protein levels were downregulated as compared with the corresponding nonneoplastic tissue. Ectopic expression of SIRT1 inhibited cell proliferation, diminished clonogenic potential, and induced a G(1)-phase cell-cycle arrest,

the effects of which were not apparent when a catalytic-domain mutant form of SIRT1 was introduced, suggesting that SIRT1 functions in gastric cancer are dependent on its deacetylase activity. Further evidence was obtained from depletion of SIRT1. At the molecular level, SIRT1 inhibited the transcription of Cyclin D1 (CCND1), and inhibition of NF-kappa B in SIRT1-depleted cells rescued Cyclin D1 expression. Furthermore, inhibition of either NF-kappa B or Cyclin D1 in SIRT1-depleted cells reversed the inhibitory effects of SIRT1. The inhibitory role of SIRT1 was also verified in vivo using xenografts. This work characterizes SIRT1 status and demonstrates its inhibitory function in gastric cancer development,

which MI-503 involves NF-kappa B/Cyclin D1 signaling, offering a therapeutic role for SIRT1 activators. Implications: The inhibitory functions of SIRT1, which involve NF-kappa B/Cyclin D1 signaling, suggest the utility of SIRT1 activators in the prevention and therapy of gastric cancer. (C) 2013 AACR.”
“In peptoids due to the absence of amide protons, the backbone is devoid of hydrogen bond donor, linked by tertiary amide, which can be iso-energetic between cis and trans-amide bond geometry. The peptoids can be realized with cis amide bond if the side chain of ith residue can engage the 3-deazaneplanocin A carbonyl group of ith-1 residue in CH-O interactions. Simulations studies both in water and DMSO have been carried out. The peptoid Ac-(N-tle)(7) -NMe2 can adopt degenerate conformations with alternate phi, psi values of inverse PP-I and PP-I type structure’s, or vice versa in water. In DMSO, Ac-(N-tle)(7)-NMe2 also adopts inverse PP-I type structure. Like polyproline, molecule adopting a rigid structure can be used as molecular markers or spacers in biological studies. The peptoid Ac-(N-ala-N-tle)(3)-NMe2 with alternate trans and cis amide bond geometry for N-ala and N-tle residue corresponding to inverse PP-II/ PP-II type and for N-tle residue of PP-I type.

Moreover, the loss of cell metastatic potential was rescued by ov

Moreover, the loss of cell metastatic potential was rescued by overexpression of MMP13 completely. Collectively, our findings indicate that MUC1 contributes to ESCC metastasis by stimulating MMP13 expression, suggesting MUC1 as a novel diagnostic biomarker and therapeutic target in ESCC. Laboratory Investigation (2011) 91, 778-787; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2011.12; published online 21 February 2011″

study describes a rapid and sensitive analytical method for the determination of amino acids in foods and drinks. The method entailed dilution or extraction of amino acids from foods using the mixture of acetonitrile and 0.1% aqueous formic acid (50:50, v/v). Chromatographic separation of underivatized amino acids was performed using a hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography within a runtime of 6 min. Both hydrophobicity and charge of the side chain played important roles on the elution order of amino acids Panobinostat price under the chromatographic conditions. High-resolution mass spectrometry allowed qualitative and quantitative detection of amino acids in complex food matrices. Its response was found linear over a concentration range of 0.25-10 mu g/ml. The method could be successfully applied to various foods and drinks to profile individual amino acids. Mean percentage recoveries of amino

acids from different matrices were 88.5% or higher Selleckchem CYT387 with residual standard deviation of less than 5.0%.”
“Using PCR on aborted foetal material, Coxiella burnetii infection was confirmed as the cause of abortions in a dairy goat herd with over 1000 adults. Ninety-five (22%) abortions and 355 normal births were recorded from 440 goats over 2 months. The herd was sampled three times in 6 months to look at the within-herd seroprevalence, with the 1st visit done 24 days after the last recorded abortion. The true seroprevalence in the herd was 79.2%,

66.5% and 45.7% on each of these visits, but introduction of a group of young goats prior to the 3d visit influenced these results. Using PCR, widespread environmental contamination was demonstrated in surface dust, bedding, muck heaps, milk, bird droppings and YH25448 Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor drinking water in the goat shed. MST and MLVA analysis showed the C burnetii from this outbreak to be of a genotype previously observed in the UK and different from those recorded in the Netherlands outbreak of 2007-2011. Crown Copyright (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Background: Piperacillin, unlike other antibiotics, rarely causes immediate allergic reactions. Only two cases related to occupational exposure are reported in the literature. Objectives: Adoption of new methods for diagnosis of occupational allergy to drugs. Methods: An atopic nurse, aged 30 years, was referred to our hospital for an allergic work-related reaction to piperacillin. The patient had suffered two successive episodes with immediate cutaneous reaction, angioedema and dyspnoea after preparing piperacillin.

015-1 0 mu g mL-1; itraconazole: 0 015-2 mu g mL-1; fluconazole:

015-1.0 mu g mL-1; itraconazole: 0.015-2 mu g mL-1; fluconazole: 4-64 mu g mL-1). Using 25 mu m (6.76 mu g mL-1) TBO and LED energy density of 54 J cm-2 these fungal isolates presented variable susceptibility to PDI. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)/peroxynitrite was determined, and the catalase and peroxidase activities were measured. After PDI, high amounts of ROS/peroxynitrite are produced and higher catalase and peroxidase activities could be correlated with a lower susceptibility learn more of C. gattii isolates to PDI. These results indicate that PDI could be an alternative

to C. gattii growth inhibition, even of isolates less susceptible to classical antifungal drugs, also pointing to mechanisms related to their variable susceptibility behavior.”
“For the last decades vitamin K antagonists have been the most effective anticoagulant treatment of atrial fibrillation. New molecules are being designed, mainly due to the great amount

of disadvantages in the management of conventional anticoagulation. Dabigatran, rivaroxaban and apixaban will soon be available as an alternative to warfarin/acenocumarol. All of them have demonstrated to be non-inferior to warfarin in preventing stroke and systemic embolism, with even dabigatran 150 mg bid and apixaban being superior. They have also a lower risk of bleeding, especially regarding see more severe/fatal and intracranial hemorrhages. This is a real revolution. The advance of these new anticoagulants will be limited only by the higher cost, and will progressively become the protagonists of oral anticoagulation

in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. (C) 2012 Elsevier Espana, S.L. All rights reserved.”
“Sinoatrial node is responsible for the origin of the wave of excitation, which spreads throughout the heart and orchestrates cardiac contraction via calcium-mediated excitation-contraction coupling. P wave represents the spread of excitation mTOR inhibitor in the atria. It is well known that the autonomic nervous system controls the heart rate by dynamically altering both cellular ionic fluxes and the anatomical location of the leading pacemaker. In this study, we used isolated rabbit right atria and mathematical model of the pacemaker region of the rabbit heart. Application of isoproterenol resulted in dose-dependent acceleration of the heart rate and superior shift of the leading pacemaker. In the mathematical model, such behavior could be reproduced by a gradient of expression in beta 1-adrenergic receptors along the superior-inferior axis. Application of acetylcholine resulted in preferentially inferior shift of pacemaker and slowing of the heart rate. The mathematical model reproduced this behavior with imposing a gradient of expression of acetylcholine-sensitive potassium channel. We conclude that anatomical shift of the leading pacemaker in the rabbit heart could be achieved through gradient of expression of beta 1-adrenergic receptors and I(K,ACh).

Diagnostic criteria and methods are not well delineated Objectiv

Diagnostic criteria and methods are not well delineated. Objective Diagnostic criteria for hypersensitivity BB-94 reactions after metallic device implantation are evaluated in this study by a multinational group of patch testers using Thyssen’s previously published criteria. Methods A total

of 119 dermatologists at the 2012 European Contact Dermatitis Society and 2013 American Contact Dermatitis Society meetings answered a survey regarding their opinions on topics relating to metal hypersensitivity. Conclusions Four major and 5 minor diagnostic criteria emerged. Approximately 80% of respondents found the following criteria useful (major criteria): chronic dermatitis beginning weeks to months after metallic implantation, eruption overlying the metal implant, positive patch test to a metal component of the implant, and complete clearing after removal of the potentially allergenic implant. Minor criteria ( smaller than 61% of respondents) were as follows: systemic allergic dermatitis reaction, BEZ235 chemical structure therapy-resistant dermatitis, morphology consistent with dermatitis, histology consistent with allergic contact dermatitis, and a positive in vitro test to metals (eg, lymphocyte

transformation test). In the challenging situation such as a symptomatic or failing orthopedic device, applying these 4 major criteria and the 5 supportive minor criteria may be useful for guiding decision making.”
“Phytosteryl ester synthesized with pinolenic acid (PLA) from pine nut oil is expected to have features of both phytosterol and PLA. In this study, lipase from Candida rugosa (CRL) was immobilized and then used to optimize conditions for synthesis of phytosteryl ester containing PLA. Lewatit VP OC 1600, a macroporous hydrophobic resin, was selected as the best carrier,

and the optimum condition for the immobilization of CRL was established. With immobilized CRL prepared, Geneticin nmr synthesis of phytosteryl ester with fatty acid from pine nut oil was carried out. Parameters investigated were temperature, molar ratio (phytosterol to fatty acid), enzyme loading, and vacuum. Optimum conditions for synthesis of phytosteryl ester were a temperature of 60 degrees C, molar ratio of 1:4, enzyme loading of 10% (based on the total weight of the substrate), and pressure of 80 kPa. The maximum conversion of phytosteryl ester was ca. 93 mol % at the optimum condition.”
“Upper gastrointestinal bleeding refers to bleeding that arises from the gastrointestinal tract proximal to the ligament of Treitz. The primary reason for gastrointestinal bleeding associated with hepatocellular carcinoma is rupture of a varicose vein owing to pericardial hypotension. We report a rare case of gastrointestinal bleeding with hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient who presented with recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding. The initial diagnosis was gastric cancer with metastasis to the multiple lymph nodes of the lesser curvature.

“Somatic cell nuclear transfer, the first established tech

“Somatic cell nuclear transfer, the first established technique for producing patient-specific Napabucasin in vivo autologous stem cells, inevitably requires the sacrifice of viable embryos.

To circumvent the serious ethical issues associated with this use of embryos, researchers have developed several alternative methods for the production of histocompatible stem cells. In our research, we have used two methods to derive histocompatible stem cells from murine ovarian tissue. First, we have established autologous stem cells by culturing degeneration-fated preantral follicles to produce developmentally competent, mature oocytes and then parthenogenetically activating these mature oocytes to acquire genetic homogeneity. Second, we have used cell-to-cell interactions to derive stem cells from ovarian stromal cells without undertaking genetic modification. We have successfully derived autologous murine stem cells by manipulating CP-868596 solubility dmso primary and early secondary follicles in vitro, and this method has proved successful even for follicles retrieved from aged ovaries. Furthermore, we believe that

it will be possible to isolate stem cells directly from non-germline ovarian tissue or to derive stem cells by culturing the ovarian cells with other somatic cells. if achieved, these aims will greatly advance the development of induced pluripotent stem cell technology, as well as tissue-specific stem cell research. In this review, we introduce the relevant technologies for establishing histocompatible stem cells from ovarian tissue cells without undertaking genetic manipulation and review the current limitations of, and future research directions in, stem cell biology.”
“Schultheis MT, Weisser V, Ang J. Elovic E, Nead R, Sestito N, Fleksher C, Millis SR. Examining the relationship between cognition and driving performance in multiple sclerosis. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2010;91:465-73.\n\nObjective: To identify cognitive predictors of driving performance after multiple sclerosis

(MS).\n\nDesign: AZD4547 ic50 Prospective design examining predictive value of cognitive measures on driving performance.\n\nSetting: All data were collected in an outpatient research setting and an outpatient driver rehabilitation program.\n\nParticipants: Participants were community-dwelling persons (N=66) with clinically defined MS (86% relapsing-remitting, 14% progressive) with a mean age of 43.47 years. All were active drivers who met vision requirements established by their respective states, and none required adaptive driving equipment.\n\nIntervention: Not applicable.\n\nMain Outcome Measures: Participants were administered a comprehensive neuropsychologic assessment and a clinical behind-the-wheel (BTW) driving evaluation. Additional measures of driving performance included history of traffic violations and collisions (since MS onset).